• Fuji Ali Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Komputer
  • Nur Azizah Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Komputer
Keywords: sistem, informasi, alfred, akta notaris


In the current era of globalization, science and technology are developing so rapidly, especially information technology. The human need for everything is demanded to be more efficient. For example, jobs that initially still used a lot of manual systems have now begun to switch to computerized systems. With a computerized process, any work will be easier to do. Every company, regardless of the type of business, definitely needs computer assistance. One of them is the type of notary service business.In the city of Semarang there are many notary service offices. Notary & PPAT SULUH SEDYANTOMO, SH is a PPAT notary having his address at Jalan Erlangga Barat VI No.13 RT 007/RW 004, Pleburan Village, South Semarang District, Semarang City which was established in 2002 until now. The duties and responsibilities of employees at the Notary & PPAT office of Suluh Sedyantomo, SH, include customer data, deed data collection, and finances, so that the admin and accounting departments are quite overwhelmed to handle it. With that many tasks, various problems arise, namely: 1) recording notarial data is less effective and efficient because it is still written by hand, 2) data collection on the cost of making the deed still uses a ledger so it is difficult to know the amount of costs up to date and there are often errors in calculations.For this reason, in order to overcome the existing problems, the author builds a document archive information system using the ALFRED method. This system is designed so that the registration process, dealing with relationships, and applying for a deed can be carried out swiftly without having to register them manually. The system developed is expected to serve faster deed making, namely with an automatic, efficient, and effective system.


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