Pendekar : Jurnal Pendidikan Berkarakter 2024-05-20T11:41:01+08:00 Dr. Sulartopo, S.Pd., M.Kom Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Pendekar :</strong>Jurnal Pendidikan Berkarakter,&nbsp;dengan e-ISSN :&nbsp;<a href="">2988-1129</a>, p-ISSN :&nbsp;<a href="">2988-0661</a>&nbsp;merupakan platform publikasi jurnal Karya suatu hasil penelitian orisinil atau tinjauan Pustaka yang ditulis oleh mahasiswa. Bidang kajian dalam jurnal ini termasuk sub rumpun Ilmu Pendidikan Ilmu Sosial, Bahasa dan Sastra, Olahraga dan Kesehatan, Matematika dan MIPA, Teknologi dan Kejuruaan, Ilmu Pendidikan dan Kesenian. Jurnal ini terbit 1 tahun 6 kali<strong>&nbsp;(Februari, April, Juni, Agustus, Oktober dan Desember).</strong></p> Studi Komparasi Pemikiran K. H Ahmad Dahlan dan Prof. Dr. H. Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah dalam Pendidikan Akhlak 2024-05-06T09:12:15+08:00 Lona Mardiati Gusnita Gusnita Najmi Nawry Ahmad Sabri Rully Hidayatullah <p><em>The purpose of this research is to explain the comparative study of the Thought of K. H Ahmad Dahlan and Prof. Dr. H. Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah in Moral Education. The method used in this study uses a method or library approach (library research), that library or library study can be defined as a series of activities related to library data collection methods, reading and recording and processing research materials. The results of this study indicate that the comparison of the thoughts of K. H Ahmad Dahlan and Prof. Dr. H. Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah in moral education is as follows: The concept of moral education in the perspective of KH Ahmad Dahlan based on high values and noble life is expected to form a more perfect student's personality, both related to the potential of reason, feelings and actions. While the concept of moral education according to Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah is inseparable from the nature of Islamic education itself which is guided by the Qur'an and sunnah. Moral education seeks to shape the character, character, morals and human personality so that it is able to distinguish between good and bad, right and wrong. According to Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah, moral education is defined as an effort to form knowledge in humans that functions to run life to be able to open human eyes to always have knowledge and have a far and broad view of the future.</em></p> 2024-05-06T09:12:15+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pendekar : Jurnal Pendidikan Berkarakter Pengembangan E-Learning Berbasis Telegram pada Materi Jas di SMK Negeri 1 Jabon Sidoarjo 2024-05-10T08:35:59+08:00 Izzah Maulidiyah Yamas Imami Arum Tri Rahayu Peppy Mayasari Mita Yuniati <p><em>The learning process for suit subjects at SMK Negeri 1 Jabon uses two approaches, </em><em>namely face-to-face learning and virtual learning via WhatsApp groups. However, the existence of innovation in virtual learning is still considered important, including the development of more advanced virtual learning media. This research aims to evaluate the use of Telegram-based e-learning media in suit material as a learning tool, as well as assessing the suitability of the media according to material experts and media experts. This research method is quantitative descriptive using an R&amp;D (Research &amp; Development) approach. Data was collected through a media feasibility questionnaire with a Likert scale from two media experts and two material experts to assess the suitability of Telegram-based e-learning media on material. The results of this research include the development of Telegram-based e-learning media using the Manybot feature to access Botfather, which produces new bots for learning purposes. This Telegram-based e-learning media was considered suitable for use in the learning process and received a good assessment, seen from the average validation results for material experts at 90.05% and media experts at 92.5%, with the title very appropriate and in the good category.</em></p> 2024-05-10T08:35:58+08:00 Copyright (c) Analisis Faktor Kesulitan Belajar Siswa Mata Pelajaran Pembuatan Busana Kerja Kelas XII Tata Busana SMK NU 2 Blawirejo Kedungpring 2024-05-15T07:32:13+08:00 Dyah Ayu Vimastuti Imami Arum Tri Rahayu Peppy Mayasari Mita Yuniati <p><em>This study aims to determine (1) the learning difficulties experienced by students in the competence of making work clothes in class XII Cosmetology SMK NU 2 Blawirejo Kedungpring in terms of; a) Affective aspects b) Cognitive aspects c) Psychomotor aspects. (2) the most dominant factor of learning difficulties in the subject of making work clothes in class XII SMK NU 2 Blawirejo Kedungpring from; a) Affective aspects b) Cognitive aspects c) Psychomotor aspects This research is descriptive research. This research was conducted in the odd semester of the 2023/2024 academic year at SMK NU 2 Blawirejo Kedungpring. The population used in this study were 18 students. The data collection technique used a questionnaire with a guttman scale. The results showed that (1) the learning difficulties experienced by students were as follows: (1) the learning difficulties experienced by students are as follows: (2) the most dominant factor of learning difficulties in making work clothes is the cognitive factor, which is included in the high category, namely 12 (69%) experiencing difficulties and the psychomotor aspect is included in the high category, namely 12 (67%) experiencing difficulties (2) the most dominant factor of learning difficulties in making work clothes is the cognitive factor.</em></p> 2024-05-10T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pendekar : Jurnal Pendidikan Berkarakter Pemanfaatan Media Sosial Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Bagi Peserta Didik SMP Di Kabupaten Aceh Singkil 2024-05-10T15:44:06+08:00 Pandapotan Harahap Fajaruddin Pasaribu Azwir Aziz Awaluddin Awaluddin Hasrian Rudi Setiawan <p><em>The aim of this research is to determine the effectiveness of implementing social media, especially as a learning medium. The actual facts about the use of social media in the form of the Internet in Indonesia show that technological development is progressing rapidly. Many schools and universities in Indonesia utilize technological advances as a learning medium, including in Islamic religious education. Then, the author applies qualitative methods to determine the impact of the use of social media on learning Islamic religious education for junior high school students in Aceh Singkil Regency both in terms of positive and negative impacts in literature studies. This is also motivated by the recent use of social media It is widely misused by students. Although social media has a positive impact on the social skills of its users, social media can also have a negative impact in real life. This causes changes in children's ability to learn and understand Islamic religious education material, both academic abilities and personality.</em></p> 2024-05-10T15:42:41+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pendekar : Jurnal Pendidikan Berkarakter Perbedaan Tingkat Pemahaman Mahasiswa Bidang Keahlian Boga Lulusan SMA dan SMK Terhadap Istilah Asing Pada Materi Stock, Sauce, dan Appetizer 2024-05-11T04:18:44+08:00 Mesha Oktariany Saraswati Millenia Mariani Mariani Guspri Devi Artanti <p><em>This study aims to compare whether there are differences in levels of understanding between students graduates from Senior High School and Vocational High School about foreign terms in continental food processing subject especially stock, sauce, and appetizer. This research uses a descriptive comparative type of method. The number of samples in this research were 60 students with details 30 coming from students with vocational highschool background and 30 coming from students with senior high school background. The data were analyzed using an independent t-test. Based on the data, it can be found that the average value of understanding level about foreign terms of students from high school 16,96 and students who came from Vocational High School 20,90 and from these results, the highest average come from students with Vocational High School as the backgrounds. The results of testing the hypothesis by using independent sample t-test showed that the t<sub>count</sub> is 3,378 where the t<sub>table</sub> is less than 2,002 (α = 0,05) then H<sub>o</sub> is rejected, and H<sub>a</sub> is accepted. Based on the test results, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference between students graduated from Senior High School and students graduated from Vocational High School. From this study, it is recommended for cullinary students to seek more knowledge about foreign terms in continental food processing to enhance their competence and skill. For the study program, it is reccomends to gives more attention and to provide knowledge and learning about foreign terms especially those who have never received lessons in continental food processing.</em></p> 2024-05-11T04:05:51+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pendekar : Jurnal Pendidikan Berkarakter Peran Kurikulum dalam Pembelajaran PKN di Sekolah Dasar 2024-05-20T11:41:01+08:00 Nurul Hermawati <p><em>Citizenship Education (PKN) is one of the important subjects in elementary school (SD) which aims to form citizens who are intelligent, think critically and care about the nation and state. The role of the curriculum in PKN learning is very important, because the curriculum determines what is taught, how it is taught, and how learning outcomes are evaluated. This article discusses the role of the curriculum in PKN learning in elementary schools, including curriculum development, teaching, and evaluation of learning outcomes. Apart from that, this article also reviews some of the recent changes in the PKN curriculum in elementary schools and their impact on learning.</em></p> 2024-05-13T02:13:38+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pendekar : Jurnal Pendidikan Berkarakter Implementasi Ekstrakurikuler Kepramukaan Dalam Menanamkan Sikap Disiplin Dan Tanggung Jawab Siswa Kelas V UPT SDN 10 Kelara Kabupaten Jeneponto 2024-05-13T07:09:37+08:00 Muh Yusran Nur Muhammad Nawir Fitri Yanty Muchtar <p><em>The aim of this research is to determine the implementation of scouting extracurriculars in instilling an attitude of discipline and responsibility in class V students at UPT SD Negeri 10 Kelara. This thesis uses a qualitative descriptive research method with a case study approach which aims to describe or reveal scouting extracurricular activities at school. Researchers conducted research at the UPT SDN 10 Kelara location, precisely in Borong Loe Village, West Tolo Village, Kelara District, Jeneponto Regency. The informants used to obtain information in this research were 8 people consisting of the principal, class teacher, scout leader and 5 class V students. The researchers used three data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews and documentation. The results of research from extracurricular scouting activities in instilling an attitude of discipline and responsibility have had a significant impact on students at UPT SDN 10 Kelara to develop their character for the better with a series of scouting activities that are usually carried out such as making stretchers, memorizing the basic principles, carrying out PBB movements, connecting sticks and singing Islamic scout chants. Through several scouting activities carried out, the character of discipline and responsibility will be instilled in students. The school and the students' parents will be very proud and happy if the students' character from previously not good to very good can change by participating in scouting extracurricular activities.</em></p> 2024-05-13T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pendekar : Jurnal Pendidikan Berkarakter Systematic Literature Review: Analisis Pemecahan Masalah Matematika Mahasiswa dan Siswa dengan Berpikir Komputasional 2024-05-14T09:48:24+08:00 Syifa Husna Ramadhani Yahfizham Yahfizham <p><em>Usually thinking is often associated with mathematics. In the 21st century, technological developments are increasingly rapid so that computational thinking is very important for students and students. Computational thinking is thinking that involves understanding problems, reasoning, and also developing solutions automatically. Based on these computational thinking skills, it will help students and students solve problems mathematics by simplifying complex problems into simpler aspects and can also make it easier for students and students to understand and solve problems in mathematics problems&nbsp; that have been given previously. The aim of the research was to analyze the mathematical problem solving abilities of both students and students with computational thinking using the Literature Review Study method which focuses on solving students' and students' mathematical problems with computational thinking.</em></p> 2024-05-14T09:48:24+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pendekar : Jurnal Pendidikan Berkarakter Studi Literatur Review: Kemampuan Berpikir Komputasi Matematis Siswa Pada Materi Pola Bilangan 2024-05-15T01:21:59+08:00 Sazatul Asmal Yahfizham Yahfizham <p><em>Computational thinking is something that students must have. At this time, quite a few students have difficulty when they are given problems with high level thinking skills. For this reason, this research focuses on analyzing students' mathematical computational thinking on number pattern material. This research takes the type of literature study research by identifying and evaluating the results of previous research. In this research, 3 previous journals were identified. From the results of this research, it was found that students' mathematical computational thinking abilities were still relatively low. For this reason, in the future we should think about this computing being more applied.</em></p> 2024-05-15T01:21:59+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pendekar : Jurnal Pendidikan Berkarakter Systematic Literature Review: Analisis Kemampuan Berpikir Komputasional Siswa Sekolah Dasar Menggunakan Scratch 2024-05-15T02:04:52+08:00 Siti Zia Hadatul Hasanah Yahfizham Yahfizham <p><em>The increasing need for the use of technology in all sectors, especially in the education sector, is the formation of student-oriented learning. This provides new challenges in the 21st century which now require students to mature not only in science and simple thought processes but also the ability to create and develop what is needed in the 21st century. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology declares that participants Students must have Computational Skills (CT). To obtain problem-solving skills, students should emphasize computational learning in elementary schools so that students are able to face existing challenges and have computational skills from an early age. One technology that is suitable for application in elementary school learning is Scratch, a programming application designed specifically for beginners, especially children. The author's aim in conducting this research was to analyze the computational abilities of elementary school students using Scarch. The method the author uses is the Review Literature Study method, by reviewing previous journals related to the topic the author discusses.</em></p> 2024-05-15T02:04:51+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pendekar : Jurnal Pendidikan Berkarakter Studi Literatur: Analisis Berpikir Komputasi Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Matematika 2024-05-15T02:32:51+08:00 Wulan Dari Yahfizham Yahfizham <p><em>Computational thinking is a way of thinking that students must have. Currently, many students do not yet know how computing can be applied in mathematics learning. For this reason, this research focuses on analyzing students' computational thinking in mathematics learning. This research takes the type of literature study research by identifying and evaluating the results of previous research. Data analysis was carried out using an interactive model which uses 4 steps in the analysis stages, namely: 1) Data collection, 2) Data condensation, 3) Data presentation and 4) Data verification. This research identified 3 previous articles. From the results of this research, it was found that computational thinking in mathematics learning means that students can relate mathematical concepts to the real world, motivate learning and can link mathematics with everyday life.</em></p> 2024-05-15T02:32:51+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pendekar : Jurnal Pendidikan Berkarakter Systematic Literature Review: Analisis Kemampuan Berpikir Komputasi Siswa Menggunakan Software Matematika Geogebra 2024-05-15T06:36:31+08:00 Cici Wulandari Sitorus Yahfizham Yahfizham <p><em>Thinking is a way of thinking that involves discussing problems and solutions so that these solutions can be represented in a form that can be completed by someone in processing information. HOTS (High Order Thinking Skill) is closely related to computational thinking skills. This research aims to analyze students’ computational thinking abilities using Geogebra mathematics software. This research is a systematic literature review, in this research the author analyzes and compares several articles obtained from the internet or digital databases, for example Semantic Scholar or Springer Link. The articles that have been found are then selected according to the title researched, so that we get several reference articles. The research results show that the use of Geogebra mathematics software in learning has a great influence on students’ computational thinking abilities. Geogebra is a media with a visual, analytical and numerical approach that can be solved using algorithms that require computational thinking skills to operate. There are five aspects of thinking skills that are in line with mathematics learning based on students’ reasoning abilities, problem solving abilities, critical thinking abilities, and mathematical representation abilities. These five aspects are: (1) Decomposition (decomposing complex problems into simple ones), (2) Pattern recognition (creating and identifying problem patterns), (3) Abstraction (finding concepts that you want to apply to problems), (4) Algorithms (developing solution or algorithm), and (5) Evaluation (analyzing each error).</em></p> 2024-05-15T06:36:31+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pendekar : Jurnal Pendidikan Berkarakter Penerapan Geogebra terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Matematika 2024-05-20T09:21:28+08:00 Alfito Fatihah Yahfizham Yahfizham <p><em>Currently, many learning media are used to develop and improve students' mathematical abilities, especially students' problem-solving abilities. One of the learning media that can be used in this case is the Geogebra application. The purpose of this study is to provide a description of the application of geogebra to students' mathematical problem solving abilities in mathematics learning. This study adopted from the Systematic Literature Review Method and selected 15 articles from google scolar data that are relevant to the research focus. The results of the study concluded that the application of geogebra had a positive, effective, and superior impact in improving students' mathematical problem solving abilities in the learning process.</em></p> 2024-05-15T07:00:44+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pendekar : Jurnal Pendidikan Berkarakter Peran Guru Dalam Memotivasi Belajar Siswa Kelas IV Di SDN 1 Wergu Wetan 2024-05-16T09:41:08+08:00 Oktaviana Dwi Rahmadhani Nihayatur Rohmah Syibilla Oktavia Malaka Sari Rani Setiawaty <p><em>This research aims to explain the role of teachers in motivating learning of class IV students at SDN 1 Wergu Wetan. The instruments of this research are observation guidelines, interview guidelines and documentation tools in the form of cellphones and cameras. The method used in this research is qualitative using a qualitative descriptive type, the research subject is a class IV teacher at SDN 1 Wergu Wetan. Data collection techniques in this research used observation, interview and documentation techniques. The data sources in this research, the author collected various reference sources which are the subject of discussion, come from books, journal articles, proceedings, and so on. The results of this research show that the role of teachers is very important in increasing students' learning motivation. To motivate students, teachers have several ways, such as giving appreciation to students, managing the class well, delivering material using teaching aids, and learning objectives can be achieved.</em></p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pendekar : Jurnal Pendidikan Berkarakter Pengaruh Metode Resitasi Terhadap Aktivitas Bertanya Dan Berpikir Kritis Siswa Kelas X MA Putra Al-Islahuddiny Kediri 2024-05-16T15:06:27+08:00 Rida’ul Hayatin Mukminah Mukminah Muhammad Zulhariadi <p>This study intend the effect of the recitation method on students asking question activities and critical thinking students especially boys of class X Islamic Boarding School Al-Islahuddiny Kediri on material environmental change. This research includes quantitative research, the type of research used is quasi-experimental. The population in this study were class X students of MA Putra Al-Islahuddiny Kediri, totaling 407 students. Sampling used a purposive sampling technique, the samples in this study were 44 students in class X IPA 1 and 47 students in X IPA 2. The research design used a non-randomized control group pretest posttest design. The research instrument was in the form of essay tests and observation sheets. Analysis of the research data used a statistical test, namely Manova using SPSS 23. The results showed that there was an effect of the recitation method on students' questioning activities and then there was an effect of the recitation method on students' critical thinking. This can be seen from the results of the analysis of the Manova test on student questioning activities obtained an with Sig.0.000 and the results of students' critical thinking analysis obtained an with Sig. 0.000. Based on these data, there is an effect of the recitation method on students' questioning activities and there is an effect of the recitation method on the critical thinking of class X MA Putra Al-Islahuddiny Kediri on environmental change material.</p> 2024-05-16T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pendekar : Jurnal Pendidikan Berkarakter Studi literatur: Penggunaan Software Matematika Scratch terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Komputasi Siswa tingkat Sekolah Dasar 2024-05-19T00:10:22+08:00 Fitriani Fitriani Yahfizham Yahfizham <p><em>The aim of this study was to systematically find out the use of scratch arithmetic software against the computational thinking ability of elementary school students using literature study methods. Computational thinking is an important skill that students should develop from an early age to prepare them for the challenges of the 21st century. The method used in this study is a literature sales system to collect, analyze, and synthesize research findings on the use of scratch to improve computing thinking skills in elementary school students. Data sources come from Indonesian and English-language academic journals. Through exciting and fun visual programming activities, Scratch helps students improve their problem-solving skills, creativity, and collaborative skills. Scratch can also boost students’ interest in mathematics and computer science.</em></p> 2024-05-19T00:10:21+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pendekar : Jurnal Pendidikan Berkarakter